Stepping Aside

After careful consideration Lyn Bacon has decided to step down from her role within the Gardening Club. Lyn has been a member of the Gardening Club for many years and a long standing committee member since about 1982. Within her time on the committee she has been active in many roles, these being Social Secretary, Membership Secretary and Chair. She has always been very supportive of the Club and caring to others. Many of the current Committee go back along way with Lyn and have expressed their appreciation for all her hard work and dedication, and what a delight it was to be working alongside her over many many years on the Committee. We will all miss her at the meetings but hope we can drag her back on occasions to help us out. At the Wine & Roses evening at her home she was presented with a beautiful Agapanthus picture suitably subscribed with some kind words.


Spring Show 2024


Congresbury Summer Show 2022