The Society of Garden Lovers

Throughout these years a continuous theme runs through all the Society’s activities and this applies especially to the Rose Shows. It is a Society of local garden lovers banding together to make their gardening ever more enjoyable.

Once you join the Society you find that you have acquired a wonder full circle of new friends who make you most welcome. Some of them are learned Horticulturists with encyclopaedic knowledge of the whole subject, - others are less so. It doesn’t matter whether one knows the Latin name for a daisy or a dandelion, only that one enjoys gardening.

What the Society will be like when it celebrates it’s 100th Rose Show goodness knows. The application of ever widening knowledge about plant propagation, the development of new chemicals for horticultural use, the invention of new gardening equipment, may mean that in 50 years’ time it may be possible to sit in a sheltered spot and by remote control, programme a robot gardener to do it all! One hopes not.
Nevertheless, one has a strong feeling that, in fact, our village will still be producing beautiful roses and other lovely garden flowers and shrubs.


I wonder why
Some flowers will never try?

Our choice of seed
Is very good indeed.

We weed and hoe
But still they will not grow.

We spray for fly:
They only droop and die-
Some flowers will never try.