New Venue for the Shows

By the mid to late 1970’s it was becoming increasingly difficult to continue to stage the show on the King George V Playing Fields on a Saturday in June. The Cricket Club now had several teams all requiring their turn to use the grounds and pavilion. The Horticultural Society could have continued to hold their Rose Show on the upper part of the Playing Fields without spreading over on to the cricket playing area but by now there were many more village societies wishing to have stalls and side shows in the same area as the Show so that in total the day had become a village “Fete”. Certainly there was no possibility of staging all this around a cricket match.

 It seemed a pity after all these years but somehow it was necessary to find a new home - a home near to the centre of the village; with adequate parking reasonably near; with space not only for our Rose Show marquee but for all the other activities that now went along with it. It came as a great relief when the Avon County Education Authority granted us permission to hold the event on the extensive playing fields of the new village schools. This proved to be a splendid venue and the Show continues there to the present day.